
Conversation With Man Whore Friend.

MWF: I'm watching the National Geographic Channel.

Me: Huh? (MWF is not the type who watches the National Geographic Channel, unless they're showing man eating sharks or killer snakes).

MWF: You should watch it too.

Me: Shark attack?

MWF: No, they're showing a programme about terrorist killings.

Me: And you, in all seriousness, are watching it?

MWF: Yes.

Me: That doesn't-

MWF: *interrupting, as usual* People are getting shot everywhere. It's nice.

Me: It's nice?

MWF: Yeah.

Me: Please tell me you're referring to the production or the cinematography or the music or the message of peace it is perhaps spreading.

MWF: No. The shooting. The people getting shot. It's nice.

Me: Why does the misery of mankind give you so much pleasure? It's...it's...unnatural.

MWF: Try it sometime. Don't be so narrow minded. You're becoming very narrow minded.

Really, what do you say to something like that?


Shalmi said...

You're becoming very narrow minded.

Trish. said...


iwannabefree said...

I love this! Its hilarious in a weird unexplainable way. btw, u r NOT narrow minded. :p

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you'd say to that, but if you're into the whole live-and-let-live thing and you'd like him to be happy, you could recommend him Katyn.